Thursday, January 7, 2010

Castille/Aloe Juice Shampoo w/ ACV rinse

4 parts castille soap (dr. bronners baby unscented)
4 parts 100% aloe vera juice
4 drops jojoba oil
2 parts water

1. mix
2. apply directly to scalp
3. lather
4. rinse

ACV rinse (closes the hair shaft and restores the ph of the length to a more acidic level. leaves hair shiny and reduces 'soap scum' if you have hard water)

1tsp Spectrum Apple Cider Vinegar
16 oz water
5 drops grapefruit essential oil - Now brand

1. pour on ends of hair only

-- First of all, this lathered. I mean real, rich, sweet lather. Dr. Bronners doesn't usually do that for me, so I believe the aloe vera juice had something to do with it. It felt like regular commercial shampoo. I didn't work this down my ends as they have been pretty dry recently with the winter air.

-- The ACV rinse often leaves my scalp looking greasy, so I leaned waaay over in the shower and tried to keep the rinse only on my length. I ran my fingers through my hair lightly until it just started to feel slippery and then whipped around to rinse it out while still bending over. Man white vinegar works so much better ... if only it weren't for the hives!

Straight out of the shower. Towel dries easily, no dripping ends with very little towel work. Combed it out carefully, but it wasn't tangly at all.

* Day 1 (01.08)- Hair is soft and light. No greasies at the scalp. It does feel a little dry, but I'm not going to mess with it yet. It could be shinier, but this is clean ... and I like clean :)
*Day 2 (01.09)- No wash today. Hair doesn't look greasy at the roots yet, still soft (if a little staticky). Doesn't feel so dry. More shine today after decent brushing (boar bristle baby)! I had some mild hives on my forehead and scalp this afternoon that I attribute to a trip to the grocery (damn detergent/candle aisle).
*Day 3 (01.10) - Woke up to greasy-ish hair. Itchiness completely gone. Did a water only wash, still a bit greasy but nothing I can't work with for a day. Prolly going to wash tonight. Will try to wash just the scalp with no ACV rinse and see how it goes. I'm impressed so far.

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